Menjadikan Sedekah Sampah sebagai Ibadah

by -163 Views – Sampah, a global problem that continues to grow rapidly, is a nightmare for many countries around the world. The increasing production of waste, the lack of effective waste management systems, and the still low environmental awareness are the main factors exacerbating this problem.

However, amidst these challenges, some communities have found creative ways to turn waste into a source of worship. This is an inspirational story about how waste can become a path to spirituality.

While some people consider waste to be a problem, this is not the case for the residents of Bantan Village, West Siantar District, who instead turn waste into a source of worship.

With the act of donating waste to the waste bank owned by PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Fuel Terminal (FT) Pematang Siantar, which is managed by the Bantan Berseri Abadi Waste Bank Group, the residents of Bantan Village are actually helping those in need, such as the poor and the orphans.

Based on the data collected, the waste management system at the Bantan Berseri Abadi Waste Bank goes through several stages. The stages begin with the sorting of waste by the community, the waste collected by the community is then deposited at the waste bank. After that, the waste is weighed by the officers at the Bantan Berseri Abadi Waste Bank.

Then, the amount of waste deposited by the community is recorded in the savings book and the group’s administrative book. Once a large amount of waste is accumulated, the Bantan Berseri Abadi Waste Bank group sells the waste to collectors. The proceeds from the sale of the waste are deposited into a managed account, where the proceeds are distributed according to the planned program.

For waste collection itself, the Bantan Berseri Abadi Waste Bank Group has prepared trash bins at several points. However, there are also community members who deliver the waste directly to the collection point.

A resident putting garbage into prepared trash cans.
A resident putting garbage into prepared trash cans. (photo: HO)

The Chairman of the Waste Bank Group, Armansyah, explained that through this waste bank program, they wanted to change the mindset of the community, which has always seen waste as just a problem, but now it can become a source of worship.

“For me, this is a small thing that benefits many people. Alhamdulillah, this program has been well received by many people, and there are currently 95 customers registered in this waste bank program,” he said on Tuesday (24/10).

He explained that the Bank Sampah program, which started in 2019, was initially only for the residents of Bantan Village. However, the waste bank program has now expanded to other villages in Pematang Siantar, such as Setia Negara, Tanjung Pinggir, Tambunnabolon, Pondok Sayur, Pematang Marihat, and Timbanggalung.

It is also acknowledged that the CSR Program of the Fuel Terminal Pematang Siantar through the Bantan Berseri Abadi Waste Bank Group has had significant impacts on the community in terms of the environment, improvement of the economy, social movements, and religious matters.

For social movements, they provide food packages for the Friday Barakah Movement with the Badan Kontak Majelis Taklim every month. For the economy, there is training in making foot mats and conblock stones from processed waste.

As for the religious aspect, they provide assistance in the form of chalkboards for the Quran House, as well as assistance in the form of the Quran, Iqra, and prayer books for